Conversion of First-Generation Ethnic Chinese Migrants in America: A Critical Social Analysis


  • Tony Chuang Trinity Evangelical Divinity School


Evangelism, Conversion, Assimilation, Chinese, Church, Sociology, America, Identity


This paper examines the interplay of the various identities of first-generation migrants in America (i.e. Christian vs. non-Christian, Chinese vs. American) to see how the identities influence their religious journey. Research shows that the hybridized identity shows itself in the migrant’s desire to (at different times) become more Chinese, more American, and more Christian. The paper uses a critical social analysis that looks at historical events, economic forces, demographics, socio-psychological issues, cultural backgrounds, political factors, religious effects, and more. The analysis results in a deeper understanding of both the migrant experience as well as conversion experience for these migrants. Implications are given for continuing evangelistic work for Chinese churches in America, including the relationship of conversion and assimilation and the reconstruction of various socio-religious identities.

Author Biography

Tony Chuang, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Tony Chuang (莊智超) is an evangelist/preacher with ministry experience in 4 continents ( and also Pastor of Outreach and Evangelism at Hope Community Bible Church. He was born in Taiwan, raised in Malaysia, and immigrated to Canada. He grew up in a family that practiced Buddhism/folk religion, converting to Christianity only later in life. Tony is finishing a PhD in Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in May 2021. He is headed to Malaysia next. His research interests include evangelism, folk religion, modernity, and religion in the Second Temple period. Tony’s publications include “Process from Neighbor to Disciple-Maker” in Missional Disciple-Making and “A Chinese Modernity” in Against the Tide (the 2019 EMS volume).


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